Wife of the Club

 This is an experience that I should share with my readers. As you may know, my wife is Tabitha. She was my school sweetheart, and we married a few years in to my Navy tenure. We were young and experiencing life as we went along. All my navy friends thought she was so hot. They could not seem to control themselves when it came to letting us know that. They were polite and respectful, but they didn’t hold back comments like, “She is so cute,” or “She is so pretty,” and “She is so sexy.” Now and then the comments were a little more explicit like, “I bet she is a good time.” I overheard the guys talking about Tabitha and being a little graphic but never was it too much. Even the older guys gave her attention.

Tabitha is of course physically attractive, but her personality is equally attractive. She is very petite and bubbly. Someone gave her the nick name Hot and Bubbly. Tabbi is a petite 5 feet 2 inches and just over a hundred pounds. I wouldn’t call her skinny. Her cute butt is round and very noticeable. My wife’s breast are not large, but they too are noticeable and pert. You might want to stop here and see the photo of Tabi on my profile page. You will see her sexy body and erect nipples. Having the picture of who we are talking about in this story will probably make it much better.

The first time she received such open attention I was a little uncomfortable. My thoughts were, “That’s nice, but that’s my wife you are talking about.” I got used to it and soon I enjoyed the attention that she received. Our marriage is normal is most aspects. We enjoy each other and have a lot of fun together. I never expected things to make some of the recent turns that we have experienced.

As Tabbi continued to receive sexual attention, it began to turn me on more and more. A few fantasies began to present themselves, but I never expected it to go any further than fantasy. I especially never expected my little innocent Tabitha to do anything outside of our happy marriage. As men continued to notice my wife, I began to consider approaching the idea of swinging. I researched ads and found swingers clubs, but I wasn’t sure about how to bring it up with my wife. If anyone is wondering how this works, it’s a slow process at least for us. We began the usual bedroom talk as we had sex which introduced fantasy sex. Tabbi certainly enjoyed the talk and fantasies, but I was still nervous about actually sharing my wife. It seemed like a hot idea, but I couldn’t be certain of how she or I would feel if we really did it. Therefore I never truly pursued it up until I discovered a shocking surprise.

Early in our marriage I was out of town fairly often. That was the nature of the Navy and is the case with my current work. I will be brief with this, but it is what brought us to thinking we wanted to join a swingers club. After one of my business trips of being gone for only about a week, I came home to find things were a little different. I wasn’t instantly certain exactly what it was, but I could tell something had changed. Tabbi was visibly nervous. She was still very loving and we still had or regular great sex together. As usual I had her clothes coming off so quickly that I could barely get her in the door. It was a few days later that I found out that my cute, sweet; innocent little wife was no longer innocent. My friend had spent the night with her while I was gone. Yea. My friend slept with my wife.

I didn’t know how to handle this at first. I waited two days as I processed the fact before I addressed it with Tabitha. She was very contrite and apologetic and promised she would never do it again. She said she didn’t plan it. It just kind of happened. I needed time to organize how I felt. I couldn’t have my wife sleeping with my friends, but I realized that after the shock I was turned on as I went through it in my mind.

I told Tabbi that I would forgive her, but I needed to ask questions about details so I could understand. Tabbi was obviously concerned about answering questions, but she ultimately agreed saying she would tell me everything if it was what I really wanted.

I wanted to know where they did it, what all they did, and what it was like for her. I guess I needed to know if she enjoyed it. I wanted to know if he did things to her that I hadn’t done. She claimed that he was pushy at first but admitted that it was completely consensual on her part. As it turned out it happened a few times since he spent the night with her. He had my sweet little wife in our bed that evening and a few more times the next day. It also happens that the “next day” was the day I came home. I was upset, maybe more surprised that she allowed him to have unprotected bare sex with her. Safe sex wasn’t her concern, since she has known him. I had to know the big question. Did he not only fuck my wife but did he cum inside my previously innocent little wife? She knew this was getting more touchy when I asked. She didn’t answer right away. She looked at me as if she was begging not to have to answer. Then she shook her head yes and said she was so sorry. I knew she wasn’t on the pill so the next question was natural.

“Could you be pregnant?” I asked.

“I could be,” she answered quietly and with contrition.

“So he did it to you the morning you picked me up from the airport?” I asked wanting to hear her say it.

“Yes,” she answered.

She started to continue but caught herself. “What,” I asked.

“Well, he was doing it to me when you called. I told him he had to go and I got out of bed to dress. I was trying to be quick about getting dressed. I only put on panties and my sundress. I was in a hurry and didn’t even put on a bra. I just slipped the dress over my head and stepped in to my Birkenstocks.”

“I thought you were trying to be sexy for me.” I told her.

“Well I was. That too!” She added.

“So you were doing it when I called?”

“Yes,” she answered, “but he wanted more. He wasn’t finished with me. He stopped me at the door.”

“And what?” I asked.

“Well, he pulled up my dress and pulled my panties down to my knees. He held my waist and stuck it in me from behind. He did it to me until he finished inside me. I felt him coming inside me, but I was in a hurry so I just pulled up my panties and left to get you.”

“I noticed you were really wet when we did it soon as we got in the door. I thought you were just horny since I was back..” I told her.


” I’m so sorry I didn’t clean up before you and I did it when you got home. I promise; I really wanted you with me. I might have been extra horny from the naughtiness, but I wanted so bad to make love with you soon as we got home.”

She began to make promises of making it up to me. I was so horny at the time that I wasn’t afraid to say anything. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to ask her to join a swing club. I reasoned that she had already done it with someone else and that it would be fair. I also reasoned that we would be honest with each other if we had a swap together and that she would be doing it too and not just me getting her back for what she had done.

Tabbi was reluctant, but she did agree only if it was what I truly wanted. She had lots of questions for days. She wanted to know who we would be swap with. I assured her that it would only be a couple with whom we all have chemistry for one another. I also promised that we could take it slow and be sure everyone was comfortable.

The following week I did some research. I found a swingers site on the web. I sent an email and explained that we thought we would like to try swinging. The answer can within minutes explaining that we had to apply. He said it was a selective club. He went on to explain that most clubs will accept anyone who will have sex. He said sometimes men with less attractive wives would want to join some they could have sex with attractive ladies. He explained that all their wives were very attractive, and that they had a selection committee who determined who could join. I had to send pictures of us both. He also explained that the members kept it discreet so we would have to be known to the club before they would allow us to see who the members were.

Once I sent the pictures of Tabitha and myself, it was quickly that I received a call from a man named Lance. He said that our pictures passed but there were other screening processes that we must pass. They wanted to know if my wife was agreeable and said they had to have proof. We agreed on a time to meet and my wife had to be present with me.

The arrangement was for a two person committee to come to our house and meet with us. They said my wife must be dressed in something revealing so they could make their decision. I had Tabbi wear her short black cocktail dress with thin shoulder straps. It was also joined together on the sides with thin straps. She wore lacy white panties underneath and heels also with thin straps.

Two men arrived on time and suggested that we all have a drink before they took us through some of the testing to prove that we would really go through with swapping. They wanted to know if either of us would get jealous or any other concerns.

They explained that many men want to swing but their wives are not as interested. They would first have to inspect my wife and that she had to be agreeable to it for us to be accepted. They asked Tabitha if she was okay with having her body displayed for inspection even if she would have to show a little nudity.

“I guess'” she answered sounding uncertain.

Lance recognized that she seemed nervous and told her to relax and that she didn’t have to do anything that she didn’t want to do. He assured her that she could stop at anytime, but that we would not be admitted if she did.

“Okay,” she said.

I think she thought she was doing this for me.

Lance and Jim sat on the sofa and asked Tabbi to stand in front of them. They began giving her instructions. They had her turn around slowly which seemed innocent enough. Then they had me remove the straps from her shoulders and show her bare breast. Tabbi was shaking slightly as she stood in front of perfect strangers with her chest bare and her nipples hard and erect. I rubbed her back to try warming her.

Next, they told me to lift her dress above her panties. Tabitha kind of looked downward so she wouldn’t see their eyes as I lifted her dress. Then she was told to hold up her dress herself and to slowly turn around until they said to stop.

Tabbi’s dress had dropped to below her waist, but she complied and held it up above her panties as she continued. She slowly turned around twice before they said stop. When she dropped her dress down, they politely asked her to continue holding it up. Lance looked at me a said, ” You know we need to see more. We need to see her panties down. We have to know that you are both okay with this. If you are not both okay with us seeing her nude body, we know you will not be okay with swapping in front of each other.” Tabbi looked at me as if to say, “Is are you sure this okay with you?”

I was horny at this point, so I just smiled at her when that told me to pull down her panties. Tabbi held her dress up as I pulled her panties down to her thighs. I noticed her eyes closed as they admired her nudity. Tabbi began to shiver just a little. Her intimate privacy was on display for these two strangers. Everything was completely visible, because her sweet little pussy was clean shaved. This is when the two men became more bold and demanding. There instructions came with a little less asking and a little more telling.

“Let’s have another drink,” Lance said. “But Tabitha, you keep your panties down as we do. If you would like another glass on wine, we will get it for you. You just stand there getting use to being naked in front of us.”

Tabbi seemed to relax a bit. Jim poured her a glass of wine and gave her a few sips. Lance sat in front of her and continued with instructions.

“We need to ask you some questions Tabbi, and we need you to tell the truth,” Lance began. “How do you feel standing in front of us with your panties down and us looking at your intimate private areas? Does it turn you on?”

Tabbi’s cheeks turned a little red. “I’m a little embarrassed,” Tabbi answered. “But it is okay.”


“Let’s see how she feels about it,” Lance said. “I’m going to feel you and see if you are wet.”

Tabbi looked at me with big round eyes. “Let him check,” I told her.

Lance and Jim stood up. Jim placed his hand on her back as Lance looked in to her eyes and reached between her legs. I watched closely as Lance felt my wife’s pussy with his middle finger. Lance reminded her to hold her dress up. He moved his finger slowly as he kissed my wife on her lips. He looked her in her eyes briefly before placing his lips on hers. This time it was a real kiss. His tongue was in my wife’s mouth doing the nasty with hers. Jim pulled her dress up and over her head as she stood there being kissed with her panties down to her knees.

Lance broke the kiss to tell Tabbi how sweet she tasted.

Jim looked at me and said, “Go on and pull her panties down to her ankles.”

I could see that she was wet as I pushed them down to her strappy heeled shoes. Lance pulled her closer to him as he began asking more questions. “Are you going to let other men have sex with you in front of your husband? Tell us; could you do that with someone else? Will you like it? Will you need more once your married little body has been violated?”

His questions were rhetorical. He wasn’t requiring answers. Then Jim chimed in. “Baby, do you realize that all the husbands will want you? These men will violate your married womb. Are you looking forward to this? You will be a little wife who has been fucked by other men. You will be different after it happens. You will be a little hot wife and probably a slut wife after they do this to you.”

Lance was holding her hand. “Go ahead and step out of your panties sweetie,” he instructed. “Kiss your wife'” he said to me.

I took my wife into my arms and began to kiss her with more passion than ever before. Jim and Lance had their hands all over her nude body. Someone pulled my hand away as I reached to finger her. “Kiss her pussy,” they told me. They kissed her with tongue as I went down to place my tongue between her legs. My tongue had just went in her pussy when they pulled her back.

With their hands still on my wife’s naked body they looked at me and said, “We need to talk to your wife in private. We are going to take her in your bedroom for a few minutes. This will not take long. You wait outside the door. We will come out and get you when we are done.

I stood there as they lifted her from her feet and carried Tabitha in to our room wearing nothing but her sexy shoes with her painted bubbly toes showing. I stood near the door trying to listen. I couldn’t make out any words. I was wondering what they were saying. What were they doing with my wife in our bedroom? I wondered. Were they feeling her body? Were they possibly eating her? Or, where they going to go ahead and fuck my sweet wife while I waited?

They were only in there about ten minutes when Lance came out. His pants were up but not zipped and buttoned. “We needed to show your wife some other dick,” Lance explained. “We thought she would be more comfortable with out you in there. You can go in there in just a minute. Let’s wait on Jim.”

I was kind of processing everything in my head. Two men had my wife naked in our bedroom. That in itself had me so hard that I couldn’t really think straight. That’s when Jim came out and said, “Okay, Bring him in.”

The covers were pulled back from our bed. Tabbi was lying on her back. She jerked a corner of the sheet over her as we came in the room. The sheet was only covering her pussy. She had her hand attempting to cover her small round breast. “We want to watch you with her,” Lance said to me.

Jim pulled the sheet from her hands. “Go ahead,” they said. We are going to watch.”

Tabbi had her legs together when he exposed her by pulling the sheet away from her. I undressed. I was ready to lay with her and taste her sweet breast, lips, and tongue. Jim and Lance, standing on each side of her, began to open her legs. I noticed concern on Tabbi’s face as she looked into my eyes.

Lance spoke up. “You do know we just fucked your wife?

All I could get out of my mouth was, “Really?”

They continued, “That was the sweetest pussy. We took her married pussy. We took turns in her. She was great! We didn’t hurt her. She liked it. Now you need to make love to your wife so she knows it is okay.”

Tabbi’s eyes were big. I thought she might cry as they went on talking about it. I wanted her to be comfortable. My dick slipped in her as I began to kiss her passionately. She was so wet. Her pussy was messy and creamy from the fucking she had just received. I came way too soon.


“We want to see her cum and have an orgasm,” Lance said. They had undressed while I was having my wife. Jim had taken one of her shoes off as they held her feet open for me. I was told to take her other shoe off and to help hold her feet open for them to fuck my wife again. I held Tabbi’s feet as they took a few more turns in her. They now had stamina especially since they were taking turns with her. I kissed my wife while they fucked her. Then they turned her over and fucked her pretty hard face down. I held her hand while she got it from behind.

“Make her Cum,” they were saying to each other.

Jim pushed his dick in Tabbi’s mouth. She doesn’t like to suck much, but she didn’t resist. Jim made only a few strokes in her mouth before he unloaded. To my surprise, Tabbi didn’t spit it out. She, with effort, swallowed his cum sending it to her belly.

Tabbi was still face down with her legs together getting a fucking that I had never seen. Bending her legs at her knees, she had her feet up beside Lance as he worked his dick in and out of her little pussy. Lance held her round ass cheeks as he worked on her. Tabbi’s toes began to curl as she was being fucked. She always curls her feet and toes when she cums. She began to squeal.

“BE MY SLUT!” I said. “Take his cum in you and cum when you want Baby! LET YOURSELF CUM BABY! TAKE IT GOOD!” Damn! I wanted to fuck her again now.

Tabbi had a long hard orgasm as she screamed with ecstasy. Lance, knowing he had satisfied her, pumped my wife’s womb with his sperm. Lance withdrew his dick from her used pussy.. I kissed her again to show my consent to what had just happened. Jim and Lance thanked us for joining as they got dressed. They warned us to be ready for an initiation when we meet the other couples.

We swing a little, but it isn’t our lifestyle. This has turned my sweet little Tabbi in to a Hot and sometimes Slut Wife who wants extra sex now and then. Most of my friends fuck my wife. Believe it or not this actually keeps her very sexually active with me as well. We have a very spicy sex life to our satisfaction.