As you may know, my wife Tabitha and I work as relief crew on large private yachts. She was my school sweetheart, and we began this career soon after we were married. We were young, had no true obligations. Soon we worked our way up from the deck. We both “Came up through the hawse pipe” as they say in the industry. We were experiencing life as we went along.
Most of our jobs last plus or minus six weeks. We work about as much as we want now that we have built up relationships with several owners. We recently accepted a position aboard a 34 Meter Sailing Yacht on charter in the Caribbean. Tabi holds a mates license, but she usually works as Chief Stew when we manage to be on the same assignments. This is because husband and wife or boyfriend and girlfriend crewing on the same boat is extremely frowned upon. Many of our regular owners are aware that we sometimes work as a team, but we usually work on separate boats or we don’t mention that we are married.
We had never worked for this owner and weren’t certain about how strict the policy, so we chose to apply separately and not mention that we were married. With our credentials, it was easy for us both to hire on. We arrived about an hour apart so as not to raise suspicion. Tabi was settling in when I boarded. The yacht’s chief engineer showed me around and introduced me to the crew. I met the assistant engineer, chef, deck hands, and other stews. We passed Tabi in the crews passageway. The Chief stopped and introduced himself to Tabi and introduced me as the captain for this voyage. Tabi and I tried to avoid too much eye contact. Otherwise something would soon become obvious. As we walked away, Chief mentioned that Tabi must have just arrived and that she is new. Then he commented on her.
“I can’t wait to see her in her little crew uniform,” he said. “Wow cute! I might ignore the fraternization policy with her.”
The comments came as no surprise to me. Tabi is extremely cute. At 5′ 2″ barefooted, brunette hair slightly sun streaked, flat tummy, round butt, and perky little tits, she is a quite attractive hot little chic. Although the comments came as no surprise, it hit me that he was talking about my wife. I’m used to her receiving attention. It makes me proud, but it’s a little different when someone speaks of her like this in front of me because they aren’t aware that she is my wife.
I played along and somply said, “Yea, where’s her stateroom?”
I had a standard uniform that I wore around the yacht guests, but casual wear was supplied which was specific to the individual yachts. The stew uniforms are usually more specific and are ordered to size prior to arrival of the crew member. As chief and I made our rounds, we came upon Tabi’s state room. She was trying on her various uniforms with another stew assisting her. She was standing and turning while looking in a mirror. Tabi had a question mark look on her face as she tugged down on the hem. This was no doubt the shortest uniform dress that I had ever seen. I was wondering if there was a mistake and they had the wrong size. Thing is that it fit in every other way. The rest of the crew members were in casual attire of khaki shorts and polos since no owners nor guests were on board at the time. Tabi stood there staring in the mirror. It was obvious that she was thinking the same thing I was. The dress was dressy. It was dark navy blue with a semi conservative medium cut neckline. The straps on her shoulders were wide but sleeveless. Over the left breast was the yacht’s logo boldly embroidered in gold thread. Then there was the skirt part. It wasn’t exactly a mini, but it only came less than halfway down her thighs.
Tabi was standing in bare feet since she was trying on different clothes. Her toes were perfectly pedicured with bright paint. Her tanned legs where very visible and noticeable in that dress. I noticed chief trying to get the best look he could at my wife.
Chief walked in and asked, “So how is everything? Are you settling in? Are your uniforms fitting and comfortable? Let us know if you need anything.”
Tabi smiled and answered, “It’s okay if I wear khakis til the guests arrive right?”
“Certainly,” replied chief.
Damn she looked hot in that dress I thought to myself. Chief on the other hand didn’t keep his thoughts to himself. “We’ve been trying to order those dresses a little shorter. When the owner is on board, he likes to see legs and a little ass. We are only allowed to hire the most attractive female stews.”
Chief went on to explain. The owner has security cameras in the girl’s staterooms. He is a voyeur and has shared a few girls with the chief. Chief mentioned that he couldn’t wait to go watch the video of Tabi trying on her clothes and invited me to come along. “Hell yes,” I said. I wanted to know what he was going to see.
We went to chief’s stateroom, and he pulled up the video on a laptop. Sure enough, there was Tabi and the other girl in Tabi’s stateroom. Clothes were laid out on the bed including underwear. This is when chief admitted that the girl helping him is aware that the owner likes to watch this, so she tries to provide a good show without the new crew being aware.
Tabi was still in the dress when the other girl showed her the underwear. It was like lingerie. It was skimpy and lacy again with the yacht’s logo. I had never seen that on any yacht. Of course, I had never heard of secretly videoing the crew either.
Tabi stood and faced away from the young girl as the girl unzipped Tabi’s dress. Tabi let the dress fall to the deck. The girl handed Tabi a pair of underwear and a bra. Oh No! I thought. She is about to drop those panties and chief would be looking at my wife completely naked. I thought about saying something, packing our things, grabbing Tabi and leaving, but I didn’t want it to get out that we were hiring on and married without disclosing the fact. Besides, at this point I was a little turned on myself. It seemed pretty naughty that we were watching girls without their knowledge. I didn’t understand it, but I also found it pretty erotic when chief made comments about my wife in front of me. It felt kind of uncomfortably stinging and turned me on at the same time.
Tabi stepped out of the dress and handed it to the girl. Then she took a good look at the panties she was expected to try on. With a puzzled look on her face, Tabi placed her thumbs in the waistband of her panties and lowered them to the floor. I was hoping she would just drop them and step out, but no, she bent over. There were several views as cameras were catching all angles. Chief clued in on the one from behind. It revealed more than her bare little bottom. In fact it caught more than a glimpse of Tabi’s shaved lips as she bent over. A frontal view showed her little strip of pubic hair above her smooth shaved pussy. I was slightly in shock. I didn’t know what to do or think, but I felt my manhood stirring. Here was a stranger whom I had met only about an hour earlier looking at my wife’s nude body. And not only was she naked, but he was looking at her most intimate areas.
Chief continued his explanation of the yacht’s business. “Wow! Would you look at her?” The boss is going to love this one. She’s just his type. He likes to sleep with some of the female crew when he’s onboard. In appreciation of my assistance in setting all this up he tried to arrange for me to get some after he has had them. I think sometimes it might be kind of black mail but it gets me laid with some hot girls. I hope I get to nail this one. I bet boss and I will have had both our dicks in her within two weeks into the cruise. Don’t worry. He’ll let you in on it too.”
I couldn’t say anything. I was trying to figure out how I could warn Tabi. I went to my stateroom to think. I didn’t want it to get out that she and I deceived that we were married. The deceit could harm our reputation in this tightly knit industry. I was considering excuses for us to back out, but we were both under contract. Then I thought at least I could get Tabi off the yacht somehow. Maybe I could fire her. Ultimately I figured that Tabi would resist any advances anyway and surely no one would really be too pushy. Maybe I was worrying too much. I didn’t want Tabi to become suspicious, so I decided not to mention it to prevent her making anything obvious.
The owner would be arriving in hours, so we could get underway the next day. I thought I better get to the other business of the yacht.
That evening the owner arrived along with a few friends. All department heads were on hand to meet him. I think he was Italian or something. His skin was olive, hair black, and he stood at least six feet. I was a little relieved to see that he was about fifty. Maybe he wouldn’t take Tabi, since she is considerably younger. Tabi just turned thirty.
I played along with chief and asked for access to the security video, which he gladly obliged. I became obsessed with following my wife around the yacht on the video. All seemed normal the first week. Then we anchored in a secluded island bay. On several occasions, the owner would take female crew ashore with him and his friends. No cameras were on the small boats nor were cameras wherever they went while ashore. I was a little paranoid when I noticed that he had Tabi accompany him on most every shore visit, but I figured nothing would happen.
When Tabi and I would pass each other onboard the yacht, she seemed to be getting better at pretending that we were not acquainted prior to meeting onboard. This must just be in my head I thought and dismissed the notion.
One night when I was watching video, I saw Tabi enter her stateroom. Her clothes appeared a little out of arrangement and her hair was disheveled. She had just arrived back onboard from ashore, so I figured her hair was blown from the wind. She quickly began undressing like she was in a hurry for something. When she pulled down her panties, she was paying unusual attention to the crotch area. I think she was looking at wetness in her panties. This hit me like the main boom knocked me in the head during an accidental jibe. My stomach dropped. Did the boss already have my wife? I thought to myself. Had he been taking her ashore and seducing her? Maybe not I hoped.
Tabi through her clothes aside and got in the shower. She seemed in there longer than usual. When she came out in a towel, she took her uniform dress from the hanging locker. She pulled out the uniform panties and began to dress in somewhat of a hurry. That’s when the knock came at my own door.
Chief came in and said, “Hey! There’s progress on the new girl. I think he might get her tonight. He usually has her a few times then he shares her. I’m not sure how he does it. He must convince them that it is good for their job or something. Thing is, the girls go along with it. He doesn’t force them or anything like that.”
I thought I was going to be sick. Then that night I noticed Tabi never returned to her stateroom. I waited and waited. Hardly slept at all. I kept waking up to see if she had returned. Finally about 5:30 AM she comes in wearing the same dress. When she sat on her bed, I could see straight up her dress. She had on no panties. I could see what appeared to be red marks n her thighs. It was time for her to go on duty. She pulled a new pair of panties from her drawer. She lifted her dress as she pulled them up. Tabi stopped with her panties just below her bottom and looked at herself in the mirror. It was obvious that someone had enjoyed my little wife. Her lips were still glistening and a little swollen. Her married little pussy had been violated.
That’s when the next knock came at my door. This time it was the other young stew. She knocked but came right on end. She saw that I was looking at the video. “You like to watch I see. Have you been watching me too?”
I didn’t know what to say. This was all crumbling around me. Then she added, “It’s okay. If you want to see me, just ask.” Then she went to the keyboard and made a few taps. Her stateroom came up. “Would you like me in there? She asked. Then she showed me how to pull up my own stateroom before showing me the owner’s cabin. I had no idea how to pull up the various staterooms.
She continued. “Tabi likes to watch your stateroom. Why don’t we give her something to watch?”
I was only wearing boxers that I was sleeping in. The young girl was in shorts and a tee shirt. In spite of my emotions and suspicions, My meat was rising which was obvious. She sat right on my lap and we kissed. Before she whispered in my ear. “I have to go on duty now, and so do you. Let’s have this party later.” She giggled and left my room.
I switched back to the owner’s stateroom and tried to pull up the video from overnight, but she was right. I needed to get to the bridge and make rounds.
A few hours later the chief engineer came to the bridge with the owner. “Tonight is the night for us,” he said.
The owner began to explain, “You know the new girl that came on the same day as you? Well, she is a hot one. I had to have her. I got her ashore in a hotel room a few days ago. Damn she was good. She resisted at first, but when she gave in she was wild. I had to kind of force her at first, but she soon gave in. My guests and I convinced her to dance a little for us and show some skin, but she wanted to stop after that. I had my guests hold her while we lifted her dress and pulled down her panties. She was wet, so it was easy enough to force my dick inside her while my friends held her. I never had to do that before. They usually give in after a few drinks and teasing. Not this one. She actually said something about being married. I promised her that her husband wouldn’t know and that she would be paid a bonus. She begged me not to cum inside her. She isn’t on the pill. Oops! She’s probably pregnant now if that’s true. I think she was just saying that so I wouldn’t cum in her and fill her with sperm. I thought about making her swallow, but her pussy was too good. She came with my dick in her so why shouldn’t I cum in her? I made her swallow next time.”
The Owner continued. “Anyway, I don’t just fuck them. I like more excitement. She is coming to me tonight. This time I’m going to share her with my guest instead of only holding her for me. You See, I also like to watch.”
“Remember, He’s a voyeur!” Chief added.
The owner laughed and agreed. “I always let the chief in on this as appreciation of everything he does. I thought you might like to taste her as well.”
After giving me a few more details, they went on about their business. I was sick to my stomach. I was going back through all they had said in my head. In less than two weeks this guy had taken my innocent little wife’s marital virginity so to speak. He took her innocent married pussy. He was trying to make her a little slut wife. He wasn’t the kind to ask. He kind of takes what he wants, and he had taken my Tabi’s pussy. It was beginning to sink in my head when I realized that I was rock hard. I was wondering how Tabi felt when he first did it to her. How much did she resist when he first force fucked her? What did she think when they held her for him to put his dick in her? Did she like it once he was in her? After all, he said that she came. Is there a little hidden slut in her?
I wanted to go fuck the other girl when I thought about that fact that I was just face to face with a man who had his dick in my wife only hours earlier. If fact she probably still had his cum draining into her panties from the fucking she received.
I went to look for Traci the other stew. She was busy serving, but I managed to get her to the side. I asked to make plans for later. She agreed. Traci added that Tabi was getting it so why couldn’t she. Traci needed to get back to work. As she walked away, she said, “I told Tabi that you and I had already slept together to make it easier on her since she let the boss have his way. She had mentioned that she felt bad, because she is married. She hopes he doesn’t find out. I thought it might help her feel better so I told her I was a little slutty too and slept with the new captain.”
She giggled and went back to work, but I couldn’t believe my ears. Now Tabi thinks I’m screwing around, so maybe she is allowing this out of revenge.
About the time Traci was coming off duty, so was Tabi. Chief came and told me that the owner wanted us in his cabin, so I couldn’t go see Traci. He said it would be a few minutes before we should go and pulled up the master stateroom on the screen.
There was Tabi. She was in that same blue dress. This time we had audio which I didn’t know how to access when I followed Tabi around the yacht. I could here Tabi begging. He was telling her that after his guest enjoyed her tight little body that it would be time to share with some of the male crew. He told her that she would be with the chief engineer and the captain.
“NO PLEASE,” she begged. “I can’t! I’m married!”
“Your husband will never know,” he said. “What happens on my boat stays on my boat. It’s going to happen, so let it. I want to see it!”
Tabi was visibly nervous, but they had no idea why. The owner kissed her and lifted her dress to finger her. One of his friends unzipped her dress and pulled it off her shoulders. His two friends came close to her, and undid his pants. The owner pulled her panties down halfway to her knees.
“Let my friends take your married little body,” he said to her. “Just relax, and let them do it to you.”
She was standing with one guy holding her dress up. They were feeling her small tits. She stepped out of her shoes. They pulled her legs apart as far as they could with her panties still on her thighs. She was just standing there with a wild eyed look on her face when the first guy stuck it in her from behind. They bent her over a little as he did it to her pussy. He was fucking my wife’s pussy with a bare dick. They began talking dirty to her as they took turns in her. They told her that she had to be punished for getting fucked while married. They told her she would be a different wife. They made her say things too. They asked her if she had ever cheated on her husband. She didn’t answer at first, so he fucked her a little harder.
“You have cheated before haven’t you? You little fuck doll.”
“Not really,” she said.
“What do you mean not really?”
They stopped briefly to let her talk.
” A friend felt me a little one time when he was visiting while my husband was gone. But I was scared and stopped before he went all the way. I let him see me mostly naked and he fingered me a little bit, but then I stopped it. I was horny but too scared. He wanted to cum in my mouth, but I don’t really like that, so I didn’t do it. Well, he did lick me down there, but that’s it. That’s all. I didn’t do it with him.
Damn! I didn’t know about that.
They didn’t believe her and asked her how she was able to stop after she was that horny.
“Okay,” she said. “He did do it to me that one time. I let my husband’s friend do it to me that one time. But, it was really fast. He came in me really fast, and that was it.”
They continued teasing her. “Well we will either punish fuck you or we want you to tell your husband about this.”
“I think he’s going to know,” she said. “You have made me a slut wife, but I will be his slut if he will understand. You have had me now; used my body. I’m not all his now. I’m a slut, and I have a slut wife body.”
Tabi knew that I would soon know.
“Just use me and get it over with,” she said.
They held her good as they took turns in her from behind. Two guys came in her. Cum dripped in to her panties as they pulled out. Someone took her panties the rest of the way off and lifted her. They rolled her on her back and held her in the air as they continued sharing her. She would start to cum, and they would stop fucking her. One of them made her swallow his load. She doesn’t like to swallow, but she did. The owner was talking to her and taking his turn in between the others.
“Come on,” chief said to me. “It’s our turn with this babe. She will be our fuck toy.”
I was so horny that I was ready to see what was going to happen when we walked in. The door opened. She was still on her back, but they had tied her panties over her eyes as a blindfold. She was now asking them to fuck her. They were getting her pretty good. Chief had his pants off and his dick in her mouth soon as he could get it there. I had no idea what was going to happen, but I dropped my pants and started feeling her. I wanted to know she was all right. I didn’t even mind if she was enjoying it, which she seemed to be. I kissed her with a passionate French kiss while chief fucked her. He didn’t last long, and it was my turn.
I went in her messy pussy. It was different. She was full of cum, and she felt looser. I didn’t last long myself. I came in her thinking maybe it would be mine if she got pregnant.
Tabi was tired and worn out from her train fucking her. Her dress was still above her waist when they laid her on the bed.
When someone let her hand go, she pulled the blindfold from her eyes. She saw chief and smiled a small smile as if to say, “You got me too.”
That’s when she saw me eye to eye and fainted. The guys thought she fainted from the hard fucking, but I knew what was wrong. They revived her and were being really sweet to her. I made sure she saw me smile. Then I kissed her. The owner wanted us to leave her in his bed to rest. “She’s going to need it,” he said.
She slept with the owner that night and didn’t work much after that. Tabi has never been the same since then. She is still my wife, and we are happy together, but she has been fucked by a few other times since then. She mostly does it when I’m out of town. And the friend who almost got her the first time finally got her too. She sleeps with him when he visits.