Wife at Airport Security

 My work has always taken me to some pretty remote locations, and I always take my wife whenever it is practical and safe. I have become very accustom to the ways of third world countries and islands. They do things different in the banana republics, but I never expected what happened when we were going through airport security in a tropical island.

We never rushed to be at the airport particularly early. We would often check out of our room and lie around the pool until we needed to head to the airport. This worked well especially when our flight was later than the checkout time. This trip was no different up to the point of our arrival at the airport.

We dressed for the pool before we checked out at the front desk. The desk clerk offered to keep our bags and arrange for a ride to the airport when we were ready.

Around midday there were surprisingly few people at the hotel pool. It was a weekday, but it was also the tropics where many guest were vacationing. There was only one other couple and a lone man sitting drinking a beer across the corner of the pool from us. Tabi sat her bag beside her chair and pulled her swimsuit cover-up over her head and draped it over the table next to our lounges. This seemed to gain the attention of the man who was sitting by himself. This didn’t surprise either of us. Tabi often attracts noticeable attention of on looking men. Some men are more discreet than others, and it always seems harmless to me. I couldn’t really blame them for looking. It made me proud. In fact, I found it to be a turn on.

Tabi was only twenty-eight at that time. She is thirty-six now and looks very much the same, but we were both less experienced then. My wife is not one of those tall thin model types. She stands five feet two inches in bare feet. Her tits are round, perky, and well portioned to her cute petite body. Her butt is noticeably round and firm. Her dark hair is wavy and reaches below her shoulders when she doesn’t wear it up. On that day she had it pulled up in a cute little ponytail. She loves her feet perfectly pedicured, and she always has defined bikini tan lines. I find it to be no wonder that she attracts attention with her bubbly smile and her cute squeezable little body that practically screams out I need to be fucked..

We were at the pool a little over an hour before it was time to leave for the airport. I noticed the man’s attention fixed on Tabi when she stood up and walked to the bathhouse to get dressed for the trip home. When she came out wearing only the very short sundress that was designed to cover up her swimsuit, I asked, “Baby, are you going to get dressed?”

“I guess I accidentally packed my clothes that I wanted to wear on the plane,” she answered. “I need to get them from our bags at the front desk.”

I was afraid we would be late if we waited for her to change. When the clerk told us that our bags were already loaded in the shuttle van, Tabi asked, “What am I going to wear on the plane?”

I said, “We don’t have time. You will have to wear that little short dress. At least you have on a swimsuit under it?

“Oh no I don’t,” she said. “I had panties in my bag. I took my bikini bottoms off and put on my panties. I took off my top too thinking I could get my clothes from our suitcase. All I have on is this dress and my panties,” she added with a concerned look on her sweet puppy face.

I looked at my young naïve little wife. She was standing there with her feet together looking up at me. All she was wearing was a thin, short, sundress with nothing but panties underneath and strappy flat sandals.

I couldn’t resist and asked, “What kind of panties do you have on?”

She smirked and grinned as she said, “Little ones! Little thin white lacy panties is all I have on under here!”

I smiled and reminded her, “We better go baby, or we could miss our flight. Maybe you can find you something and put it on at the airport.”

We went straight to the security check and stood in a short line. “Great!” I said, “We’ll be through here quickly.”

The line did move quickly. When we reached the scanner, the security officer asked my wife to step aside please. I went on through and waited. The officer asked if I was with her. I told him, “Yes, she is my wife.”

He said, “Okay, You can wait with her, but she is has to go to the private search room for a private search. Don’t worry; we will get you on your plane. I’m sure there will be no problems.”

He then said I would be allowed to wait at the door since she is my wife.

A female officer then came and led Tabi by the hand to a back room as I followed. Just around the corner we came to a room with a closed door. The officer knocked then opened it without waiting. I couldn’t see through the door, but there was a window with curtains slightly opened. I could see another young woman facing away from me wearing only bra and panties while stepping into her shorts. Another female officer was handing her clothes while a male officer stood only a few feet away. I was only slightly surprised at the lack of privacy.

The female who escorted us to the room placed her hand on Tabi’s back and said with an accent, “Come on sweetie. You are next.”

She took my wife in the room before the other girl even came out. I figured they were in a hurry. Maybe a minute later the other girl came out still straightening her clothes. They brought me a chair and said I would have to wait at the door. They then said, “There’s nothing to worry about. We will leave the door open.”

They had Tabi stand on a line taped on the floor with her feet slightly apart. There was a bar hanging above her head where she was told she must keep her hands until told otherwise. They then restated that it wouldn’t take long.

The female officer began to pat her down. She slowly felt along my wife’s body as she moved her hands from her breast down to Tabi’s underwear.

Tabi looked around at the male officer with a surprised look.

“It’s okay, ” he said. “Please do as we ask.”


Then the male stepped up and patted her down again. He lifted her dress slightly. He said something in French in his radio and told her to keep her hands on the bar. Then he went back to feeling on my wife.

“Hold your dress up above your panties,” ordered the female officer.

Tabi’s back was toward me. I could see she was becoming nervous. She seemed a little cold.

Tabi did as she was told and held up her dress. She was standing there holding her dress above her thin lacy panties. The male officer patted Tabi’s hips as he looked at his female partner. The female gave him a nod. He then ran his fingers through Tabi’s hair as if she could be hiding something there. The male stepped back and said, “Miss, we need to see your breast.”

Tabi tried to look back at me. At his point two more male officers came to the door. One went on in the room. The other stayed at the door with me. This is when the tone changed a little. They were still fairly polite but forcefully demanding.

“Let us see your bare breast,” he said again.

Tabi lifted her dress up a little more and the officer helped her pull it off over her head. Tabi was now standing there with her back to me wearing nothing except thin white lacy panties and strappy little sandals on her feet. I could see the curves of her butt through the thin sheer fabric of her panties. The officer placed his hands on my wife’s bare breast and gave them a little squeeze. The other male officer ran his hands along her crack through her panties. He then felt around front and between her legs. The female officer readjusted Tabi’s feet and told Tabi to keep her hands on the bar. She said she wouldn’t tie her hands if she would keep them on the bar as asked.

“Okay sweetie,” he said. “Pull your panties down. We have to check you there.”

I was thinking this was inappropriate, but at the same time I found it to be quite erotic. Besides, Tabi wasn’t protesting nor resisting. She seemed to have a little nervous chill now and then, but she wasn’t even complaining.

“Go ahead,” the other man said. “Pull your panties down. You can hold them with your hands, but keep them down on your thighs. Tabi placed her thumbs in the waistband of her panties and began to pull them down.

“Okay,” the man said. “We have to check inside you. You just be still. Try to relax, and it wont hurt. I’m just going to put my finger in you.”

This was the first time Tabi said anything. “Please don’t. I don’t have anything in me. I promise. I’m married and this isn’t fair for you to feel in me there.”

“We believe you doll,” he said. “But we have to feel. I will be gentle, but you have to let me push my finger in you or we have to hold you while we do it.”

The officer first ran his finger in her butt and felt around. Tabi was tense, so he reminded her to relax and it would be better. He also reminded her to keep her hands on her panties and that she could pull them up when they were done. They turned her a little to the side. I could now see her face. Tabi had her eyes closed. She opened her mouth as the officer felt her smooth pussy. He opened her lips and ran his finger along her opening.

“You are a wet baby down here,” he said. “I was going to try to get you wet so you would be more comfortable with my finger going in you, but you are very wet here.”

Tabi clenched her eyes as he entered her with his middle finger. Her mouth was open as she breathed short gasps. Her right leg trembled as she managed to say, “OH! Please take it out! PLEASE”

He pulled his wet finger out, but the other man stepped up and fingered my wife more. Then the other guy told her she had to relax her backside.

“Please no!” she screamed. “Please not there!”

The woman let me come in and closed and locked the door behind me. I was told to stand there just inside the door.

One officer pushed the end of his finger inside my wife’s butt. The other man seemed to be enjoying fingering her pussy. Suddenly they stopped.

“Kiss your husband,” they ordered. “You can pull your panties up now.”

I gladly stepped up and began kissing my wife thinking it was over.

I was then ordered to step away and she was offered a chair. They told her to sit down and that she had to have a short interview before she got dressed.

“Okay,” he began. “When did you last have sex?”

Tabi looked with disbelief. That’s when I realized the answer. We had a quickie that morning when she put on her swimsuit just before we went to the pool. That is probably why she was so wet. She still had cum in her. Her pussy was still a little messy from her recently getting fucked.


“Answer us” he demanded.

“We did it this morning,” she answered reluctantly.

“Who fucked you?” he said as if he had a right to know.

“My husband!” Tabi answered indignantly. “And, Please don’t talk like that,” She added.

“We want to see how he did it to you. Right Now! We want to watch you get fucked! We want to see such a cute sweet little wife get fucked and have an orgasm.”

“No way!” she exclaimed in disbelief. “Please just let us go!”

The officer replied, “We are going to watch you get fucked and we are recording it on video. Either you let your husband fuck you in front of us or we will do it to you.”

“Okay,” she said. “Okay, Okay!”

The officer jested to me to get started. I was hard from all the naughty activity I had witnessed and figured I wouldn’t last long. I kissed her again and reached inside her panties to her soaking pussy. One of the officers took it upon him self to pull down her panties to her knees for me. He took her hands and pushed me behind her. He pulled her forward as I went in from behind. I slipped right in and got to it. I had to stop shortly because I wanted her to cum first. I reached around to finger her pussy as I fucked her from behind hoping it would help her cum soon. The officer pulled my hand away, and told me he would take care of that. He kept stopping and wouldn’t let her cum. I had to stop so I wouldn’t cum. But soon, I accidentally came in her. The officers realized that I had come in her. They complained that I had cum and ordered me to go down on her pussy.

“Lick your wife’s pussy.” They ordered.

I was between her legs tasting my cum from her messy pussy. My eyes were closed when I suddenly I felt her pussy being bumped in to my face. I looked and saw that one of the officers was fucking my little wife from behind while the male and female officers held her. I was told to keep licking. His dick was going in and out right in front of my face. He didn’t last long. I could feel his dick convulsing on my chin as he shoot sperm in my wife’s pussy and unprotected womb. The warm cum got on me as he pulled out.

The other officer sad to me, “Hold your wife for me to fuck her.”

He moved her to the table and went in her from behind. He began talking to Tabi.

“Have you ever been fucked by anyone besides your husband,” he asked.

Tabi didn’t answer.

“Has anyone else ever cum inside your married pussy?” he continued.

Then he laid her on her back on a table and pulled her panties the rest of the way off. He handed her panties to me. Cum had dripped in to her panties with them at her knees as they did it to her from behind. I held her panties in my hand as he did what he wanted to her to her pussy. I took one of her tits in my mouth and then started a long French kiss with my wife. I paused from the kiss to say it’s okay.

They were asking Tabi if she liked the fucking. She hesitated before admitting that she liked it. I was told to stop kissing her so she could talk. The female officer and I were told to hold her feet open while the two men took turns fucking her.

They asked my wife questions as they punished her pussy with their thick dicks.

They asked, “Are you going to get fucked by other guys now? We have violated your married pussy. So you can let others fuck you now. You need more big dick now don’t you sweetie? You are a little slut wife now. Do you want me to violate your married womb with my sperm? Do you want me to make your flat little tummy swell? Do you want me to make a baby inside you? Come on you sweet little fuck doll; tell me! Tell me baby doll!”


He gripped my wife’s tiny waist and fucked her hard as he pumped sperm in to my wife.

I was in shook, but I held her feet open until he was done in her. When he pulled out of her, he took her panties from me and placed her feet through each of the leg holes. Then he had me finish pulling her messy panties up to her waist before he let her stand up. I could see the cum soaking the thin fabric as she stood to put on her dress.

They then informed us that our flight was being held for us. They told us as we walked through the airport that they would be taking Tabi more the next time we return to the island.


As we walked through the airport, I asked Tabi if she was okay.

“I’m fine,” she said.

“Was it really good for you?” I asked.

“You helped them,” she said. “Did you like it or did you mind?”

“IT was pretty hot!” I said. It’s okay as long as you liked it.”

“Well, it WAS kind of hot and naughty.” She said with a smile. “It’s still feels naughty actually. I can feel the cum as I walk. Some of it came out through my panties and got on my legs. It’s like I’m full of cum. And, I feel like all these people are looking at me like they know that they just finished doing it to me!”

“Well, I’m next,” I told her. “Soon as I get you to some privacy.”

“Okay,” Tabi said. “But all three of them are coming with us I think. I know they are going to get me some more before they leave us to ourselves. I don’t mind if you are with the female officer while the men do what they want to me. I bet that’s why she’s coming with us. She’s horny too.”

All eyes were on Tabi as we were escorted to first class by security. My wife’s hair was disheveled. You could see cum on her thighs from under her short dress. When the officers sat down and pulled the curtain as the door closed, I wondered where they were taking us. I had a feeling they want to get more of my wife.